Support Local Businesses that support Sustainability

January 13, 2016


Thank you, Thank you, FOUR THOUSAND Thanks you!!!!!

At the end of each year, SEEDS mails a summary of the year’s activities and accomplishments, and asks for donations to help us continue. This year an anonymous donor matched all donations up to $4000 and we are very happy to report that we reached that milestone…and then some!!

We are consistently receiving approximately 1/3 of all our operating costs in the annual drive. The remaining funds come from local businesses foundations and state grants. SEEDS thanks you for all your help! We hope you will help support the businesses who made recent donations to SEEDS:

Mountain Laurel Surgery Center

Pioneer Construction

RE/MAX Wayne

The Dime Bank

Scarfallato’s Town House Diner

Apple Pond Farming Center

Cherry Ridge Veterinary Clinic

Gina Lenz Photography

Smiles By Design – Complete Health Dentistry

Hamlin Dental Center

Matthew Meagher Attorney

Nature’s Grace

Vannie Williams C.P.A.


Sustinable BUsinesses