
Strategic Plan

In 2018, the SEEDS Board of Directors committed to revising the organization’s Strategic Plan. Work began during the January 2019 SEEDS Board’s annual retreat. Four workgroups were established and worked through the end of July 2019.

The Strategic Plan identifies the following six goals with specific strategies, objectives, and actions supporting each of the goals:
• Ensure SEEDS has sufficient human resources.
• Ensure SEEDS has appropriate governance structure.
• Ensure SEEDS has sufficient financial resources to achieve its mission.
• Develop an effective outreach plan to articulate SEEDS’ mission and core messages to its target audiences.
• Ensure SEEDS has an appropriate organizational structure for the renewable energy & energy efficiency spaces.
• Identify current & future projects/programs for the new Energy Circle.


SEEDS will conduct annual elections during its Annual Meeting in Fall. If you want to participate in the voting process and make your voice heard in our organization, then join SEEDS by becoming a member. Annual dues are only $10 per year; you can make a payment by clicking the “Donate” button on the homepage or by following this link. If you’re a member and want to become a SEEDS Board Member, please fill out this form: SEEDS Interested Board Member Form.

You will receive our monthly “Good News” e-newsletter, which announces all of our upcoming free workshops and programs, shares local sustainability initiatives as well as state, federal and global renewable energy updates. Additionally, join us for our annual membership meeting each September. Members have voting privileges and make decisions on where to take SEEDS every step of the way.

Duties of Board Members, as defined in our bylaws, are the following:
a. The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the organization and call any special meetings that may be necessary.
b. The Assistant Chairperson shall fulfill the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence.
c. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the organization, file any certificates required by any statute, and be the official custodian of the records, send out formal meeting notices to members, and send any official correspondence as deemed appropriate by the Board.
d. The Board Members-at-Large shall lend their knowledge, energies, and wisdom to the effective management of the organization.

For additional information or questions, please contact our Executive Director Olga Trushina at or call (570) 245–1256.

Sensitive Topics

The need for a policy on our handling of sensitive topics was identified during the strategic planning process.​ A critical component of the policy is the statement of SEEDS’ values related to sensitive topics:​
• Sensitive topics will be addressed in a manner that is respectful of all opinions and positions​​
• SEEDS commits to looking at all sides of sensitive issues​​
• SEEDS believes in a “fact-based” approach to issues and will promote education on sensitive issues​

To review our current policy on the handling of sensitive topics, please click the following link: SEEDS policy on the handling of Sensitive Topics.

New Bylaws

As part of our strategic planning process in 2019, the SEEDS Board has performed a comprehensive review of the organization’s bylaws. This review has resulted in a number of changes (see the “Summary of Changes” and link to “SEEDS Bylaws” below).

The SEEDS Board submitted these new bylaws for a vote by the SEEDS membership at our 2020 Annual Membership Meeting, which were approved by the present members.

Please feel free to submit any questions or concerns to the SEEDS Board by emailing us at:

Summary of Changes
• Updated to reflect SEEDS’ current mission statement (as approved in 2019).
• Sets the membership meeting quorum to 20 (instead of 3% of membership).
• Combines Recording and Corresponding Secretaries positions into a single Board officer position named Secretary.
• Changes the selection process and role of Circle Representatives, and defines how Circle Representatives become Board Members.
• Changes term limits for all Board positions to be limited to three consecutive 2-year terms.
• Clarifies the process for removing a Board Member.
• Makes various legal language updates including virtual meetings, new no-inurements article, and other changes consistent with non-profit status.