FORUM: Do-It-Yourself “Speed Dating” Weatherization Forum – 10/24/11

November 10, 2011

New and old members of SEEDS participated in the do-it-yourself forum on weatherizing buildings for the coming winter. The event was meant to assist members that had received the free energy assessments in implementing the energy saving strategies that TEAAM had advised and also inform anyone interested in taking a proactive approach to energy conservation. Thanks for coming out to all that attended!

The “speed-dating” contestants/stations consisted of duct and pipe sealing with Phil Buckingham, door and window caulking with Jim Sanders, and ways of reducing electricity use with Michele Sands and Kayleigh Cornell.

One member commented that the “duct and pipe sealing” and “door and window caulking” were both very captivating and informative contestants, but she was looking for a more laid back relationship and had to say that the simple “reducing electricity use” contestant stole her heart. For those of you that missed the forum, you can still learn how to weatherize your home. Caulking is important to seal any air leaks, especially between windows or doors. It is also helpful to prevent water damage. Below is a video of how to apply it:

The second station consisted of learning how to seal ducts and piping. In most homes, 20 percent of heated or cooled air is lost to weaknesses in the duct system. Here is a video that explains how to seal ducting.

When it comes to insulating pipes, you can never insulate too much according to Paul. Insulating even cold water pipes will prevent condensation from forming. Here is a clear website that explains the process of insulating pipes:

In the last station we talked about reducing energy consumption. One way of being more aware of your energy consumption is using a Kill A Watt, a device that measures how much electricity an appliance may use. Another way of reducing energy use is through using a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat can be set so that in the winter the heat is turned down at night and when you are out of the house and increased when you are waking up or present in the house.

There are several ways you can conserve and be more conscious of the energy you use. We hope to see you at the next SEEDS meeting or forum to share with others and work towards this as a community.