FREE 2-Night ‘Energy Savings and Solar 101’ Course at The Comm

July 15, 2016

SEEDS Logo May 2016


SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education & Development Support) is partnering with The Waverly Community House in Lackawanna County to present a FREE 2 Night Workshop from:

7 to 9 PM on Wed Aug 24th & Thurs Aug 25th

at The Waverly Community House, 1115 N. Abington Rd. in Waverly PA.          The Waverly Comm logo color - small






This two-night course will teach you all about saving energy and saving money at home, about the different types of solar energy systems, how they work, how to evaluate your site for a solar installation, and how to take the next steps. SEEDS will provide information on commonly available rebates and incentives for solar installations, certified solar installers in our area and options for Do-It-Yourselfers.

Although SEEDS has presented dozens of solar workshops in Wayne county and elsewhere, this will be its first in Lackawanna County. The two-night session is free and open to the public.

These sessions will also be very helpful to businesses or non-profits who may interested in lowering their energy consumption and/or generating their own electricity.

Come, listen and learn why so many people are interested in going solar!


The first session will focus on home energy basics, including preparing a home for solar by first conserving as much energy as possible. A team of SEEDS presenters, including a certified building performance professional, will discuss how to reduce the building’s energy load before installing a solar system, thereby gaining a better rate of return from your solar investment. Many tricks and tips to improve your home’s energy efficiency will be shared. This session will be helpful to anyone who wishes to reduce their energy costs.


The second night’s session will delve more into the various types of solar systems, how the different technologies work, and how to assess a site to see if it’s good for solar. It will also cover how much systems cost, how to calculate financial payback, as well as many installation techniques and concerns. The SEEDS presenters for this session include a nationally certified installer for both solar hot water and photovoltaic (electric) systems, who will show samples of solar equipment and tools.

Blair demonstrating DIY solar - small

(Blair and Bill Buselli conduct a hands-on-training at a previous DIY Solar Workshop)

The SEEDS presenters will include:

“One of SEEDS’ commitments is to educate our community about renewable energy, how it can save us money and improve the quality of life in our community,” says Jack Barnett, one of the workshop coordinators.  “If you want to attend this workshop just to learn more about solar economics and how it works, without investing in a system, that’s fine. And, if you want to take the step to invest in solar, this is definitely a valuable workshop for you.”

“I grew up down the road from The Waverly Community House and spent a great deal of time here. Of course, I wanted to bring our educational forums here and add to the many services The Comm provides to its community,” says SEEDS Executive Director Jocelyn Cramer. “We had a ball installing rain barrels for a water conservation project here at The Comm earlier this spring. SEEDS will talk about how saving water also saves energy at this two night workshop.”


Registration is encouraged. Email or call (570) 245 – 1256. To learn more about SEEDS, visit You can sign up for a FREE monthly SEEDS newsletter on our website by clicking the SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER! button on our home page. This newsletter will announce all free SEEDS forums and programs as well as share sustainability initiatives in our region.

Martin Springhetti DIY Solar panels - small image

(Martin attended a 2014 DIY Solar Workshop and installed his own system shortly afterwards)