Do-It-Yourself Solar Workshops Coming to Lackawanna and Pike Counties

May 18, 2016

SEEDS hosted our 4th annual 2-Night Do-It-Yourself Solar Workshop

Martin Springhetti DIY Solar panels - small image

(Martin attended the 2014 DIY Solar Workshop and installed his system shortly afterwards)

SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education & Development Support) sponsored our annual FREE Do-it-Yourself Two-Night Solar Workshop on June 21 and 22 in Honesdale. This is the 4th year in a row that SEEDS has offered the workshop, leading to an increase in the number of solar systems in our region.

SEEDS will be offering similar workshops this year in Lackawanna County at The Waverly Community House on August 24th and 25th and in Pike County at the Milford Branch of the Pike County Public Library on Thurs. Sept 22nd.

This workshop is for anyone interested in learning more about solar energy and may wish to install their own solar photovoltaic (PV)—electric generating—array.  No experience is necessary attend this workshop, nor is there any obligation to make a solar purchase.

Just come, listen and learn why so many people are interested in creating their own electricity!

Manufacturing costs of solar panels have dropped over 50% in the past 4 years, and installing them yourself makes generating your own power even more affordable. The cost of the solar system is eligible for a 30% federal tax credit as per the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit program. Several owners of these systems will be present to talk about their experiences.

Presenters Include:

“One of SEEDS’ commitments is to educate our community about renewable energy, how it can save us money and improve the quality of life in our community,” says Jack Barnett, one of the workshop coordinators.  “If you want to attend this workshop just to learn more about solar PV economics and how it works, without investing in a system, that’s fine. And, if you want to take the step to invest in solar, this is definitely a valuable workshop for you.”

Registration is required. Please contact SEEDS at or by calling (570) 245 – 1256.

SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support) is a non-profit organization that promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable living in our region. Visit to join the SEEDS e-newsletter list to be notified of all upcoming free forums.