Forum: “Do It Yourself” Energy Conservation
December 27, 2010Tuesday, February 10th, 2011 7pm-9pm Wayne Conservation District Office in 648 Park Street, Honesdale PA 18431
A forum discussing affordable and simple fixes to improve your home’s energy efficiency will be held on Tuesday, February 10th from 7to 9 PM at the Park Street Complex (former Stourbridge school) in Honesdale. The forum is sponsored by the group SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support) and is open to all. There will be a free-will offering and refreshments.
Cyril Mansperger, a green-minded local home-owner with experience in electrical, plumbing, and insulation will give a break-down of items, their applications, costs, and places to acquire them. These will be specific fixes almost anyone can do to help boost efficiency in the home. Ways to analyze energy losses will also be discussed.
Joseph Mezlo, Manager of Customer Programs and Communications at PPL, will also talk about home energy conservation and will explain “smart metering,” an energy analyzer that is now available to every PPL customer.
“This forum will be useful to the homeowner who is not yet ready or able to purchase a more costly renewable energy system,” says Michele Sands, Chairperson of SEEDS. “In these tight economic times, anything we can do to lower our utility bills will be welcome.”
This is the first forum of 2009 in a continuing series of sustainable energy events sponsored by SEEDS whose mission is to promote sustainable energy and sustainable living in our local communities.
The March 10th forum will present the exciting plans for a “green” school in Hamlin. The April 21st forum will feature what’s on the cutting edge of the renewable energy horizon.
For more information, the group may be contacted at 570-224-0052 or
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