Wayne Businesses Conserve is back!

March 9, 2012


Energy Saving Seminars
For Local Businesses
Local businesses are going green.  WBC knows you want your business to join the movement, serving the community, the environment, and your bottom line.  But it’s tough to make changes in these economic times.  So Wayne Businesses Conserves is holding two seminars on Tuesday, June 19 to help prevent your business wasting money on energy costs.

Choose breakfast at The Cooperage, 1030 Main Street, Honesdale from 7:30 to 9, or lunch at the Silk Mill, 8 Silk Mill Drive, off Rte 6 in Hawley, from 11:30 to 1 to learn how to save energy and money at your small business.  The cost for each session is $10.

Each session will feature three experts to help you get the most for your energy dollar.  A PPL Electric Utilities representative from Allentown will discuss E Power energy efficient strategies including their Direct Discount plan which pays up to 75% of energy improvement costs, whether as part of a current plan or even if done 3 years ago.  Diane Shellenhamer, from Schaedler Yesco in Harrisburg, will focus on lighting solutions, retrofits, and how companies have cut high upfront costs down to one year.  Kurt Bauman, from Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance in Pittston, will help local businesses put it all together.

The speakers will show how rebates can get the payback period down to little over a year—and from then on it’s constant saving for your bottom line, the environment, and the community you serve.  Plus, your maintenance crew—even if it’s just you, the owner—will be forever
grateful.  Success stories in northeastern Pennsylvania, on lighting retrofits and other key money saving actions will also be shared.

“Why waste money on energy costs?” asks Michele Sands, Chair of SEEDS.  “Rebates are available now…..Many local businesses are already making important improvements and we’ve brought together experts from Allentown, Harrisburg and Pittston who have the answers for you.”

All are welcome.  The Cooperage and the Silk Mill location are both over a century old, newly renovated with energy conservation in the forefront.  The forum is a part of Wayne Businesses Conserve, a SEEDS program that encourages businesses of Wayne & Pike Counties to reduction energy and material use and provides recognition for their efforts. PPL-Electric Utilities and NEPA are supporting this event.  For reservations and more information, call Project Manager, Kayleigh Cornell at 570-630-0592 or email wbc@seedsgroup.net

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Wayne Businesses Conserve, WBC for short, is Wayne County’s first green business recognition program. Officially launched during the summer of 2010, SEEDS is excited to announce a re-launch of WBC during the winter/spring of 2012, with an exciting new twist and…and exciting new logo!

In 2010, WBC recognized 9 local businesses for take actions like replacing incandescent bulbs with CFLs, recycling and installing solar panels to offset–or in some cases–supply all of their electricity needs. The 2010 WBC application had 37 conservation options in six different categories: Energy Conservation, Renewable Power, Transportation, Water Conservation, Purchasing & Waste Prevention, Recycling & Composting. Businesses qualified for recognition if they met the 13 required actions & at least 5 of 24 options actions. Businesses either met or failed to meet the programs requirements.

Although no business failed, there was some question within SEEDS & the business participants about the pass/fail system. If a business is recognized, they were sort of done with the program. They had no incentive (from us) to continue saving, or to reapply.

And where’s the fun in that? While one our main goal is to recognize businesses that are saving energy, another main goal is to support the continuation of conservation. Essentially, we want business energy conservation to go viral. It helps the businesses (money & resources saved), it helps our community (fame & cleaner atmosphere) &, however small it may seem, energy conservation in Wayne County helps the world (creates less pollution, mitigates climate change, lessens the need for resource wars, the list goes on).

Well, after research and  several hours around the table, we’ve decided to make WBC a tiered program. We think that every business in Wayne County can be recognized at the first level of our program, and many can be recognized at the second & maybe even the third! So in March, we will officially launch Wayne Businesses Conserve with an updated application, some convincing savings calculations & a friendly, fun competitive spirit. Together we can make Wayne County THE green business county of PA.
Due to our limited resources & staff, we will be actively approaching businesses in Honesdale. However, this program is very much open to all businesses in Wayne County. Applications are only a phone call or email away. Please contact us at wbc@seedsgroup.net or at 570.630.0592.