Wayne Highlands School wins GREEN Award

October 25, 2016

Seventh Graders Seize Upon Sustainability –

Everybody Wins!

SEEDS, a proud co-sponsor of The Chamber of the Northern Poconos annual awards dinner was very pleased to present this year’s Green Business Award to Wayne Highlands School District, for their Sustainability Program.


(Corporate Waste Consultants, and WHSD team receive honor) 

Each year, SEEDS presents the Green Business Award at The Chamber of the Northern Poconos annual awards dinner, and this year we wish to congratulate  The Wayne Highlands School District for their Sustainability Program, and thank them for their efforts.

Several years ago, 7th graders attended an environmental education program and came up with the idea of diverting food waste from landfills. The school district gave these students ownership of this idea and encouraged their progress. Soon, a more comprehensive recycling program was launched. The students worked with fellow students, teachers, faculty and staff; they partnered with Corporate Waste Consultants and local farmers. In 2015, it was estimated that they prevented over 20 million tons of waste from landfills! But it didn’t stop there. The County got involved and authored a grant for an A900 Rocket Composter, a continual food waste composter capable of processing nearly 500 gallons of food waste each week. The grant was approved, and serendipitously, the Rocket Composted was delivered to the school on October 20, 2016, the day they received their Green Business Award.

Presenting the award, SEEDS executive Director Jocelyn Cramer, lauded the effort not only for its environmental benefits, the partnerships it spawned, the learning experience for the students to work with county government and agencies, but also for being the first school district in the state of Pennsylvania to have a Rocket Composter, and only 1 of 13 in the nation!

“For all that the sustainability program has done, and for all it is yet to do, and quite frankly for raising the bar for the rest of us, SEEDS was proud to present the 2016 Green Business Award to the Wayne Highlands School District and all who were a part of their Sustainability Program” said Cramer.

Their Superintendent, Greg Frigoletto gave all the credit to the students, and talked about how proud he was of their efforts, and also thanked Stu and Cheryl Badner of Corporate Waste Consultants for their diligent efforts.

SEEDS plans to work with Wayne Highlands to offer an opportunity to see the Rocket Composter and learn more about this exciting program.