Rebates & Incentives

SEEDS has compiled this list of information sites on energy efficiency rebates, renewable energy rebates and incentives and grant/loan opportunities.

C-PACE : Improving Communities by Financing Clean Energy Projects for Businesses

Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) was enabled in Pennsylvania in the summer of 2018. The legislation allows local governments to establish a C-PACE loan program for commercial, agricultural and non-profit building owners to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, water conservation and renewable energy projects, that is repaid through an additional tax assessment on the property. 100% up-front capital is provided from private sector lenders. A payback term of up to 20+ years can ensure that energy savings are greater than the annual C-PACE tax loan payment, which means that not only is the energy efficiency of the building improved, but so is the organization’s cash-flow. A C-PACE loan is attached to the building. If sold, C-PACE transfers to the new owner, along with the updated system(s) and energy savings.

Wayne was the first rural county to adopt C-PACE, the only in northeast PA to date!

Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) near Allentown, has been selected as the C-PACE program administrator. SEEDS (Sustainable Energy Education and Development Support) of Northeastern PA, based in Wayne County will continue educational efforts about C-PACE projects, and their energy conservation and economic benefits.

If you were the owner of a commercial property, and you were spending $10,000 a year on energy costs, would you pay $30,000 to cut those energy bills in half? Well, you might, but two of the biggest obstacles are the upfront cash for the project, and how long are you going to own that commercial property? If you aren't going to own it for the long term, you may not get the return on your investment. These are two of the major obstacles for energy efficiency projects, and C-PACE addresses both of them. Improve energy efficiency, improve collateral and cash-flow.

Eligible projects include: Energy Savings Projects; Water Savings Projects; Renewable Energy Installations, including:

    • LED lighting and/or lighting sensors and controls
    • Heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades
    • Variable speed drives (VSDs) on motors, fans, and pumps
    • High efficiency chillers, boilers/ furnaces, heat pumps, hot water heating systems
    • Building envelope improvements, including insulation, air sealing and windows
    • Process equipment upgrades and changes
    • Green roofs
    • Installation of low-flow faucets or toilets
    • Implementing processes or equipment that demonstrates water savings of 25% or more
    • Condensate water reuse for cooling towers, for steam boilers, irrigation, evaporative coolers, industrial laundry, decorative water features, water cooled equipment, etc.
    • Improvements to reduce industrial water consumption
    • Replacement of pre-rinse valves, dishwashers, and icemakers in commercial kitchens
    • Solar photovoltaic power, Solar thermal
    • Wind power
    • Methane gas from landfills or anaerobic digestion
    • Sustainable biomass facility used for heating and/or generation

Eligible buildings include buildings used for commercial or nonprofit purposes such as retail, industrial, office, agricultural, and hospitality uses. Eligible property does not include any type of residential property, municipal buildings or multifamily housing.

Other eligible buildings may include new construction, fire halls, historic buildings that will be used for commercial purposes, private schools, nursing homes, etc.

A C-PACE loan can be as little as $50,000 and a maximum of $10,000,000.

The U.S. Department of Energy

The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.

Their Energy Saver page offers rebates and incentives available in your state. Select your state under the Savings and Rebates ribbon at the bottom of the page. This site also has step-by-step guide for home energy efficiency projects; tips, and an information guide on all efficiency topics – roofing, skylights, insulation, appliances, lighting, landscaping. moisture control and much more….a great read for anyone embarking on an efficiency mission.

Federal Tax Credits

Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency are detailed on the energy star website and updated regularly. 30% tax credits are available on solar energy systems and small residential wind turbines. Go to: Federal Tax Credits to see all current details.

Tax Credit: 30% of cost up to $2,000 (Does include installation costs, if performed by a professional. Does NOT include installation costs, if you self install.

Details: Existing homes and new construction qualify. Both principal residences and second homes qualify. Rentals do not qualify.


The USDA’s REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Applications are due Mar 31, and Oct 31. SEEDS highly recommends speaking with a specialist to assist you. Jason Cali is the specialist for Wayne County. Click HERE for full details.

Wyoming Area Office
21 Hollowcrest Road
Tunkhannock, PA 18657-6632
(570) 836-5111, ext. 4 (Phone)
(570) 836-4432 (Fax)

Serving Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming Counties.
Kim Loftus, Area Specialist (570) 836-5111, ext. 122
Charles Garnett, Area Specialist (570) 836-5111, ext. 121
Sharon Panunti, Area Specialist (570) 836-5111, ext. 117
Amy Wiggans, Area Technician (570) 836-5111, ext. 120
Jason Cali, Area Specialist, (570) 836-5111, ext. 123

Lehigh Area Office
2211 Mack Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18103-5623
(484) 795-7616 (Phone)
(855) 742-4168 (Fax)

Serving Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Pike, and Schuylkill Counties.
Karen Solt, Area Specialist (484) 795-7616
Tonya Stutzenburg, Area Specialist (484) 795-7614
Megan Henderson, Area Technician (484) 795-7615


PPL is currently offering a variety of incentive and rebate programs on a variety of energy efficiency upgrades and installations for residential and business customers.

PPL offers webinars on how to save on your energy bill and use incentives and rebates to save you money. click HERE.

Residential rebates are still available on energy star heat pump hot water heaters, insulation, energy star appliances, smart thermostats and more. For more information on residential rebates, click HERE.

Rebates are also available for commercial businesses, non-profits, multi family investment properties, hospitals, retail businesses, restaurants and more. For more information, click HERE

Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection

Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection had offered a Small Business Advantage Grant program, which is now closed. Click HERE for future information. The program provided 50 percent matching grants, up to a maximum of $9,500 to enable a Pennsylvania small business to adopt or acquire energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment or processes.

The Sustainable Energy Fund

Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) is an independent, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that assists energy users in overcoming educational, financial and regulatory barriers to a sustainable energy future: a future in which energy is harvested, converted, distributed and utilized in a manner that allows all to meet their energy needs now without compromising the ability of their children to and grandchildren to meet their needs.

In addition to providing green energy solutions for businesses and non-profits, the Sustainable Energy Fund is educating future leaders. Each year, SEF sponsors Energypath, the region’s largest sustainable energy event attracting industry professionals, policymakers and academia throughout the region and across the United States. For more information click HERE.

SEF needs energy service providers to locate and develop projects. They created a network for these professionals to further each other’s business. For more information on joining their network, click HERE.

“If you have a renewable energy project that you want to make happen, please reach out to the Sustainable Energy Fund for financing assistance. If they don’t have a specific program that meets your needs, they have the ability and flexibility to potentially help you make it happen” – Jocelyn Cramer, Executive Director of SEEDS.

Database of State Initiatives for Renewables and Efficiency

DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, DSIRE is an ongoing project on the N.C. Solar Center and the Interstate REnewable Energy Council. LEARN MORE

Federal Tax Credits for All-Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

Federal Tax Credit Up To $7,500!
All-electric and plug-in hybrid cars purchased in or after 2010 may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. The credit amount will vary based on the capacity of the battery used to power the vehicle. State and/or local incentives may also apply.

Small neighborhood electric vehicles do not qualify for this credit, but they may qualify for another credit.

Check with your insurance company. Some of the larger companies, for example Farmer’s Insurace is offering a 5% discount on car insurance for electric cars.

Visit: for full details.