Become a Sponsor

SEEDS Sponsorship is vital to support our work. We are a small nonprofit with an active volunteer board and small staff that provide education and resources that help homeowners and businesses save money on energy through assessments, provide guidance on rebates and incentives for energy savings, and work with numerous partners to bring topics of sustainable living to our community. We are unlike any other organization in our region.

Your Sponsorship supports the following:

SEEDS Sponsor Levels & Benefits

Donate Online

or Download the 2022 SEEDS Sponsor Registration Form

Resilience ($1,000+)

• Chalk art at 2 events

• Speaking opportunity at event

• Recognized as a first tier sponsor on all video content

• Large logo on printed /digital materials

• Large logo and link on SEEDS’ website

• Logo on educational materials (PP, handouts, etc.)

• Named as sponsor in a press release

• Social media/Radio mentions

Stewardship ($500)

• Chalk art at 1 event

• Recognized as a second tier sponsor on all video content

• Medium logo on printed /digital materials

• Medium logo and link on SEEDS’ website

• Logo on educational materials (PP, handouts, etc.)

• Named as sponsor in a press release

• Social media/Radio mentions

Cultivation ($250)

• Recognized as a third tier sponsor on all video content

• Small logo on printed /digital materials

• Small logo and link on SEEDS’ website

• Logo on educational materials (PP, handouts, etc.)

• Named as sponsor in a press release

• Social media/Radio mentions

Insight ($100)

• Logo on printed /digital materials

• Small logo on SEEDS’ website

• Listed as sponsor on video content

• Social media mentions

All sponsors receive recognition on event flyers, our website, and our Facebook event page.